Saturday, July 26, 2008

Masons & the illuminati

The Illuminati hiding in the freemason order in the early 1700 hundreds to avoid prosecution from the french government for being involved in satanic rituals and helping start the french revolution.  Bush senior, or any past masonic president, he has a hidden agenda given to him by his close associates. Here is some other relations look at the Mayan calendar 2012 the world ends, well who do you think is going to be sitting on the world power seat US as president & this key as I just updated this it has all come true? In my mind he may be the trigger to the end or change of the world,the religious society is claiming the end is on its way very soon, Nostradamus wrote a prophecy and gave it to a pope recently it was revealed and says in 2008 things begin to change by 2012 he believes catastrophe will strike the earth. The Illuminati all ways have been trying to raise the ancient ones old gods that are sleeping in the pit and held by curses from the old ones, they have been trying for hundreds of years the dragon and snake occults do satanic rituals to gain power and they have gained a lot of power money and control, and sit on the highest government chairs like the CFR and the Bilderberg group, they also work with the greys that abduct humans for experiments they are part of the raising of the ancient ones, think of these things as giant monsters with holy power and eternal life. It may sound like a movie but its more historical and will be proven, the masons are real they have lots of evil secrets rather you like it or not, most secrets are kept because it would make others angry to know the truth very angry enuf to fight and die because the truth-wake up mother fuckers-the masons control you your money your government your life and you dont even know why, you will find out when it will be too late. Buy a gas mask camo gear non perishable foods water weapons, and buy the book behold a pale horse! Then watch for signs of the end, you can hide under ground to avoid inslavment thats right it will get very bad, get on youtube and look up: Philip Schneider , they have tried to debunk this guy and cover up his story and hide his credentials, but he is the real deal and you can tell look at his arm in the video you cant fake that! 

If you look with a open mind, you will find the truth, if you look with a 

strong mind, you will understand the truth, if you look with an open heart you will reveal the word!

Written by Paul Bier-2008