Thursday, February 7, 2008

Aliens Created Humans

UFO's are identified with just such behavior. It is also quite interesting to note here, that the most prevalently sighted color of lights in UFO sightings historically, is orange! (copper?). For the record, there are seven references to the word "serpents" in the New Testament. Of those seven, only ONE is used in relation to "snakes" or "reptiles" literally. The other "6" translations of "serpents" in the Greek are used in direct relationship with Satan!. They are [Strong's ref. 3789 ophis, of - is; (through the idea of sharpness of vision); fig. a snake, (fig.) sly, cunning, malicious, espec. Satan:- serpent]. Oh, by the way, the reference to the evil one in the bible is 13 times in the Old Testament, and 33 times in the New Testament! (refer to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry or Luciferianism). If I were you, I'd check out some of these six verses in the New Testament. You will find that Jesus uses this translation for serpents four times, in reference (description) to some of the people he was addressing (nephillim?). The allusion to "vision" in the translation of "ophis" is very interesting. It comes from an earlier root [Strong's ref. 3700 optomai, op - tom - ahee; to gaze(i.e. with wide-open eyes at something), a watching at a distance:- appear, look, see, shew self]. It's from this root that we get our word "optometrist". Now lets SEE. watchers, Zophim, serpents, Satan, all have the relationship of "eyes" or "seeing". The ancient Assyrian god "Ashur", is known as the "winged-disk god". One of the descendants of Noah's just after the flood, was the Assyrian King Asher, the builder of Nineveh. Legend has it (see Zend Avesta), that the winged-disk god "Ashur", descended into the temple of the King ofAssyria one Evening and communed with him. Myths have it, that the King made a "treaty" with the "demi-god". Oh, by the way, the meaning of the word "Ashur" is "all-seeing"!. In the Persian epic of the Bundahishn, the demi-god Angra Mainyu (nephillim) is known as "serpent with two feet". The Testament of Amram of the Persians refers to Angra's father as the "Watcher with a visage like a viper". Serpent worship has been found from the most ancient antiquity, amongst all cultures, around all of the world. It is one of the most ancient of worship systems and it is directly related to Satan, though obscured by various pagan theologies. Its as old as Sun worship, and can be found integrated into most modern day religions. One of the biggest kept secrets of Freemasonry (Luciferianism, is the belief and worship of fallen angels that came to earth and created the "holy Grail" (bloodline) which will eventually give the world the "2nd Messiah". Some of the offspring said to be of this bloodline are Jesus Christ, Gatauma Buddha, Charlemagne, Constantine, the Merovingian dynasty, King Solomon, King Og of Bashan, Nimrod, and Anak and his "7" sons to name a few (what I'm telling you is kept highly secretive amongst the masonic elite). Those of this bloodline that live today are said to be the Rothschild dynasty, the Habsburg's, and the "Royal" family (Stuart's, Windsors', and SINclair's). The fathers of the "bloodline" (nephillim), are referred to as the "Adepts" or "Hierophants", or the "illuminated ones", and are communicated to through "channeling" (spiritism). This just so happens to be 99% of the basisbehind the theologies of the modern New Age movement, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, NAZI-ISM (the Aryan or "pure" race) Druidism, Cabalism and so on. In fact it can be shown to be integrated into every religion on the planet with the exclusion of "true" Christianity! Scary huh? Actually when you also throw in the fact that the "modernized" version of Darwin's theory of "evolution" purports that man evolved from at one point, "reptilian bipeds" , you can see to what extent this ideology has permeated even into the world of atheism, and science! (see Carl Sagan's The Dragons of Eden). I'm telling you (to the utter disgust of my fellow brethren, the Church at large), that what science has found in fossil evidence of Neanderthal man, is none other than the evidence of certain races of nephillim (non-human hybrid. Flesh and blood without a soul, "seed of Satan!") or "troglodytes" (cave dwellers). Now, let's look at something here a little differently than what you've been used to. No pastor will ever tell you or show you this like this, even though he knows what it really says, for he refuses to believe.

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